A Red Tailed Hawk catches a squirrel in our backyard.

This was around the 5th of December, and the snow didn't last very long.
We had to wait until January 13 to see snow on the ground again.

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This was take from inside the house, shooting from the kitchen,
through our dirty garden room window, but it's still not too bad.

Photo of the Hawk with another squirrel watching it from about five feet away

The squirrel in the foreground can be happy that the Hawk had already eaten well. As it was, the Hawk had a look on its face like, "I'll be back." But so far, we haven't seen her although neighbors have seen her carrying squirrel carcasses.

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Time to go. The hawk takes off with the squirrel carcass.

I thought I would try to push the camera shutter the instant she was ready to leave. As my reflexes show, she was much too fast. She flew to a tree across the street to finish her meal. Linda told me that squirrel skins are very tough so the Hawk literally turns it inside out to eat it. Maybe that's more than you wanted, or needed, to know.

You can learn more about Red Tailed Hawks on the Barnswallow Web site. You will have to use your browser's BACK button to return here.


Cameron Owls
633 Cedar Street
Madison, WI 53715-2117


Copyright ©1999-2018
Cameron Owls
Clarence P. Cameron
All Rights Reserved