Clarence holding a Saw Whet owl

Well, this is one of my photos from a February, 2006 trip to Costa Rica. It is a Black and White Owl, and a number of them hang out in a little plaza in a suburb of San Jose. Our wonderful guide, Kevin Easley, simply asked the food vendors where the owls were that day, so we could find them quickly in the dense foliage of the trees. What a magnificent  and quite large bird. And I didn't even know it existed. I also saw the Feruginous Pygmy Owl on this trip.  If you ever want to have a perfect bird-watching tour of Costa Rica, Kevin and his brother, Steve, operate  Costa Rica Gateway. Kevin showed thirteen Wisconsinites and two Floridians a fantastic time in which over 200 species of birds, including 18 species of hummingbirds, were spotted. That doesn't count the crocodiles, monkeys, and other fauna and floral of this beautiful country.

With a University of Wisconsin astronomer, other knowledgable people, and some powerful telescopes along on the trip, we saw celestial bodies in the "wickedly black" night skies at 11,000 feet that most people will only see in books. And we had a great driver, Rubin, whom I can't leave out of this long narrative.

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A larger photo of Boopie, a Saw Whet Owl

This is a great photo taken by Steven Easley of Costa Rica Gateway, and is used with his permission. It is worth the trip to Costa Rica just to see this owl.

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You can learn more about tours of Costa Rica and Peru at

Costa Rica Gateway

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I can't praise them enough.....obviously.


Cameron Owls
633 Cedar Street
Madison, WI 53715-2117


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Cameron Owls
Clarence P. Cameron
All Rights Reserved