Welcome, to The "New Whooos" Club. Perhaps you didn't even know you were a member, but I do have certain customers (and friends) who would like to know, immediately, when I am ready to add new owls to my Web site. Just let me know if you don't wish to be a member. No hard feelings. Smiley
Most of these were finished in the last few weeks between hospital appointments and my lack of energy and time. We have found that I have two (non-iodine deficiency) goiters on my thyroid. After a Fine Needle Aspiration biopsy last week, the pathologist reported that they were both benign. Hurrah! However, one of the goiters is pressing on, or surrounding, a vocal cord nerve, and pressing on my esophagus and trachea. This makes it difficult to swallow, breathe, and, for me, the most important thing, talk! I am having out-patient surgery on May 24th and hope that resolves the issues.

SINCE THESE OWLS ARE ON A SPECIAL LINK, THEY ARE NOT VISIBLE TO THE PUBLIC YET. You may click on the link(s) below but, at this time, you can only see the smaller photos. Do NOT click on those photos or you will be on the current, public web site, and the photos will be wrong. Do not click on the Soapstone menu on the navbar (at the top) to go from page to page. On THURSDAY, May 3, I will upload the rest of the site and it will be open to the public, and to you, by 5 p.m. CDT. If something piques your interest now, you can email me that you MIGHT want a particular owl AFTER you check out the larger photos on Thursday. So, be my guest and take a sneak peek now, then see the larger images on Thursday.

Screech Owl
Have a look around

NOTE: All the new owls are on Pages 1 and 2 and are marked as NEW.
There are still a few nice ones on Soapstone-3.

Smiley There is a Smiley Face at the top of each Soapstone page, which will bring you back to here.

Click here to go to Soapstone-1

Click here to go to Soapstone-2

Click here to go to Soapstone-3


Cameron Owls
Clarence P. Cameron
633 Cedar Street
Madison, WI 53715-2117

Copyright ©1999-2021
Cameron Owls
Clarence P. Cameron
All Rights Reserved